Om Malik:

When I am alone in Iceland, Svalbard, or Alaska, I am looking for that same moment of silence away from the noise that engulfs us every day — a moment that allows me to think, breathe, and enjoy. And when I find it, I make it into a photograph that can be brought home and savored later.


Grouse Mountain, January 26th, 2019

Grouse Mountain, January 26th, 2019. iPhone XS.

这两天翻旧照片翻得有点多(也发了不少在 Instagram 上),比如这个 Grouse Mountain 山上的照片,遮蔽山头一整天的云雾在快日落的时候退了下去,我现在也没见过比这更美的 Grouse。云开雾散当时正应了我找不到工作的急切心情,烦恼在那一瞬间都没了,风雪也不冷了,还有四个好朋友在山上一起欣赏。甚至还想到,国内那段回想起来挺傻逼的几个月的工作都熬过来了,又基本上决心定居在加拿大,我自己可真厉害。

即使九个月之后现在工作稳定再来看这照片依然能体会到当时的心情——平静、满足,十分的 meditative。


Don’t be afraid to come up the mountain, even when it’s raining down there — especially when it’s raining down there. If you come up a few times every week for the season, one of those days it’s gonna be beautiful.

This was one of those days.